How to Use Python Programming for Computer Forensics

In the field of cyber forensics, investigators utilize scientific methods to conduct digital investigations.

The primary objective is to narrow down a list of suspects, establish their connection to the theft, and gather evidence for law enforcement and the court.

The preservation of information authenticity is critical, which involves creating digital copies of original media, compromised devices, log files, memory information, and OS snapshots.

To aid in this process, ActiveState’s Cyber Forensics Runtime Environment offers a wide range of tools.

These tools are designed to assist in creating digital copies of evidence and analyzing digital information utilizing scientific methodologies.

By following the proper procedures and utilizing the right tools, investigators can ensure the integrity of the evidence they gather and ultimately build more compelling cases.

The Scientific Methods Approach

  • Investigators in cyber forensics employ scientific methods to conduct digital investigations.
  • The primary goal is to narrow down a list of suspects and gather evidence for law enforcement and the court.
  • Preserving information authenticity involves creating digital copies of original media, compromised devices, log files, memory information, and OS snapshots.

ActiveState’s Cyber Forensics Runtime Environment

  • ActiveState’s Cyber Forensics Runtime Environment provides a comprehensive suite of tools for conducting digital investigations.
  • These tools assist in creating digital copies of evidence and analyzing digital information utilizing scientific methodologies.
  • Utilizing the right tools and following proper procedures ensures the integrity of gathered evidence and builds compelling cases.

Cloud VM Memory Snapshots with Boto3

When conducting digital investigations involving data stolen from a cloud virtual machine (VM), it is essential to create complete clones of all VMs, volume network information, and affected servers.

Comparing previous snapshots with the current ones can provide valuable insights.

Let’s explore how you can use Boto3, a  Python library for interacting with Amazon Web Services (AWS), to create memory snapshots of cloud VMs for forensic analysis.

Creating a Sandbox Environment

One of the key features of Boto3 is its ability to create a sandbox environment for investigation. By cloning Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) and storing them in an AWS S3 bucket, you can preserve the state of the VM at a specific point in time. This allows you to analyze the system and identify any malicious activities or unauthorized access.

Rollback Snapshots and Capture Memory Dumps

Boto3 also enables you to roll back to previous snapshots and capture memory dumps for further analysis.

By creating a new VM from the AMI, you can simulate the state of the system during the time of the incident.

This allows you to extract relevant information from memory, such as running processes, network connections, and potentially malicious artifacts.

With Boto3, you have a powerful tool at your disposal for conducting cloud VM memory analysis. By leveraging its capabilities, you can enhance your digital investigations and gain valuable insights into the activities that took place within the compromised VMs.

Capture Memory Dumps

In digital forensics, capturing memory dumps is a crucial step in analyzing digital evidence.

Memory dumps contain valuable information about the state of a system at a specific point in time, including running processes, open files, and network connections.

To capture memory dumps, investigators rely on specialized tools such as VolatilityWinPmem, and LiMe.

Volatility is a popular open-source tool that allows you to extract and analyze information from memory dumps.

It supports a wide range of operating systems, including WindowsLinux, and macOS.

With Volatility, you can examine processes, network connections, registry keys, and much more, helping you uncover valuable evidence for your investigation.

WinPmem is specifically designed for capturing memory dumps on Windows hosts. It is a reliable and efficient tool that ensures the integrity of the collected data.

WinPmem captures memory in a forensically sound manner, preserving the original state of the system and preventing any alterations that may affect the investigation.

For Android and Linux hosts, LiMe (Linux Memory Extractor) is a powerful tool for capturing memory dumps.

It is capable of extracting memory from live systems or devices, allowing you to analyze the contents for evidence of malicious activities. LiMe provides a secure and reliable method of acquiring memory dumps, ensuring the integrity of the investigation.

Tools for Capturing Memory Dumps:

  • Volatility: An open-source tool for analyzing memory dumps from various operating systems.
  • WinPmem: Specifically designed for capturing memory dumps on Windows hosts in a forensically sound manner.
  • LiMe (Linux Memory Extractor): A powerful tool for capturing memory dumps from Android and Linux hosts.

Capture and Analyze Raw Packets with Scapy

During a digital investigation, capturing and analyzing raw packets is a crucial step in uncovering potential evidence.

This can be achieved using a powerful  Python tool called Scapy.

With Scapy, you can capture, analyze, and refine network packets, allowing you to gain valuable insights into communication events and potential perpetrators.

To capture raw packets with Scapy, you can utilize its versatile capabilities. Scapy allows you to parse and print network sessions from pcap files, which store the captured packets.

This makes it easier to analyze the data and identify any suspicious activity. By analyzing the packets, you can identify patterns, examine network behavior, and identify potential threats.

Scapy’s flexibility extends beyond packet analysis. It also enables you to craft your own packets, simulating network traffic for testing purposes.

This can be particularly useful in recreating attack scenarios and assessing the security of your network.

With Scapy’s extensive functionality, you have the power to manipulate packets, create custom protocols, and explore the intricacies of network communications.

Benefits of Using Scapy for Packet Capture and Analysis:

  • Efficiently capture and analyze raw packets for digital investigations
  • Refine network packets to identify communication events and potential perpetrators
  • Parse and print network sessions from pcap files
  • Ability to craft custom packets for testing and recreating attack scenarios
  • Extensive functionality for packet manipulation and protocol creation

By leveraging the power of Scapy, investigators can gain valuable insights into network activity and identify potential threats.

Whether you’re analyzing pcap files or crafting custom packets, Scapy provides a comprehensive and efficient solution for capturing and analyzing raw packets.

Analyzing Logs for Clues

Logs play a crucial role in digital forensics, as they can provide valuable clues about suspicious activity.

Different log sources such as server logs, systemd journals, and other monitoring tools capture important information that can help in the investigation.

By analyzing logs, you can hypothesize about events prior to the data theft and gain insights into the attackers’ behavior.

It is important to put yourself in the attacker’s shoes and think about how they would try to steal data, as this can guide your log analysis.

When analyzing logs, it is essential to look for patterns and anomalies.

Identify any unusual login attempts, file access, or network connections that deviate from normal behavior.

Pay attention to timestamps, IP addresses, and user activity to establish a timeline and identify potential leads.

By cross-referencing different log sources and correlating events, you can piece together the puzzle and identify potential indicators of compromise.

Analyzing Logs: Best Practices

  • Start by collecting logs from relevant sources, including server logs, firewall logs, and application logs.
  • Use log analysis tools or scripts to parse and filter logs for relevant information.
  • Look for patterns and anomalies, such as multiple failed login attempts or unusual data transfers.
  • Correlate events from different log sources to establish a timeline and identify potential connections.
  • Document your findings and save any evidence that may be useful for further investigation or legal proceedings.

Remember, analyzing logs requires careful attention to detail and a strong understanding of the systems and applications involved.

By following best practices and employing effective log analysis techniques, you can uncover valuable insights and help bring cybercriminals to justice.

Other Useful Forensic Techniques

In addition to the techniques mentioned earlier, there are various other forensic techniques that can be valuable in digital investigations.

These techniques can help investigators gather more evidence and further narrow down the list of potential suspects. In this section, we will explore some of these techniques.

Tracing and Analyzing Command-and-Control Servers

Tracing and fingerprinting live command-and-control (C2) servers can provide crucial evidence in a digital investigation.

These servers are often used by attackers to control compromised systems and communicate with malware or other malicious tools.

By identifying and analyzing these servers, investigators can gain insights into the activities and infrastructure of the attackers. This information can then be used to build a case against the perpetrators.

Identifying Cobalt Strike Beacons

Cobalt Strike is a legitimate tool used for testing network defenses, but it can also be exploited by cybercriminals to carry out attacks.

Detecting and tracing Cobalt Strike beacons left behind by attackers can provide valuable evidence in a digital investigation.

There are specialized detection tools available that can help identify and analyze Cobalt Strike beacons, allowing investigators to pinpoint the activities of the attackers and gather essential forensic evidence.

Other Techniques

  • Identifying and analyzing file metadata, such as creation dates, modification dates, and author information.
  • Reconstructing deleted files and fragments to uncover important evidence.
  • Performing network traffic analysis to identify suspicious patterns or anomalies.
  • Using steganography analysis to detect hidden information and covert communication.
  • Analyzing browser artifacts, such as cache files, cookies, and browsing history, to uncover user activities.

These forensic techniques, combined with the previously discussed methods, can greatly enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of a digital investigation.

By utilizing a wide range of tools and approaches, investigators can gather solid evidence, identify the perpetrators, and support law enforcement and court proceedings.

Python for Digital Forensics – Introduction

 Python is a versatile and widely used programming language that holds immense potential for digital forensics.

Its simplicity, extensive collection of inbuilt modules, and strong community support make it a valuable tool for conducting thorough investigations in the field.

Whether you are analyzing logs, capturing memory dumps, or examining raw packets,  Python offers a range of features that simplify and enhance the forensic process.

One of Python’s key advantages in digital forensics is its ability to eliminate the need for third-party software.

With Python, investigators can perform a complete investigation using a single tool, streamlining the process and saving time.

Additionally,  Python’s expressive and easy-to-read syntax makes it more accessible for forensic analysts, allowing them to quickly understand and analyze code in a forensic context.

Python’s versatility extends beyond its simplicity and comprehensive libraries. Its robust support for different platforms, including Unix, Linux, Windows, and Mac, makes it an ideal choice for investigators working in various environments.

The installation process may vary slightly depending on the platform, but  Python’s flexibility ensures that it can be seamlessly integrated into any forensic toolkit.

By leveraging Python’s capabilities, digital forensic analysts can harness the power of programming to enhance their investigations.

In the following sections, we will explore why  Python is particularly well-suited for digital forensics, provide step-by-step instructions for installing Python on different platforms, and explain how to effectively run  Python code for forensic analysis.

Why Python for Digital Forensics?

  • Python’s simplicity of syntax and readability make it easier to understand and analyze code in a forensic context.
  • Python’s comprehensive inbuilt modules provide a wide range of functionalities for tasks such as capturing memory dumps, analyzing logs, and examining raw packets.
  •  Python eliminates the need for third-party software, allowing investigators to perform a complete investigation using a single tool.
  • Python’s strong community support ensures that forensic analysts have access to resources, documentation, and assistance when working with the language.

Why Python for Digital Forensics?

 Python offers several advantages for digital forensics projects. Its simplicity of syntax, comprehensive inbuilt modules, and strong community support make it an ideal choice for conducting digital forensic investigations.

Here are some key reasons why Python is widely used in the field of digital forensics:

  • Simple and Readable: Python’s clean and easy-to-understand syntax makes it a great language for writing code that can be easily analyzed and interpreted by forensic investigators. Its straightforward structure allows for efficient code development and maintenance.
  • Extensive Libraries:  Python comes with a vast collection of built-in libraries and modules that cover a wide range of digital forensic tasks, such as data parsing, file manipulation, network analysis, and cryptography. These libraries make it easier for investigators to perform complex operations without having to write code from scratch.
  • Flexibility and Integration:  Python can seamlessly integrate with other programming languages, tools, and frameworks commonly used in digital forensics. Its interoperability makes it easier to leverage existing tools and enhance their functionality with Python scripts.
  • Rapid Prototyping: Python’s simplicity and expressiveness allow for quick prototyping and experimentation. Investigators can rapidly develop and test scripts to automate repetitive tasks, analyze data, and extract valuable insights from digital evidence.

Python in Action:

Let’s take a closer look at how  Python can be applied in a digital forensics investigation:

  • Data Extraction and Parsing: Python can be used to extract and parse data from various sources, such as log files, databases, and forensic images. Its robust libraries make it easier to handle different file formats and retrieve relevant information.
  • Network Analysis:  Python’s network analysis libraries, like Scapy, provide investigators with powerful tools to capture and analyze network traffic. This enables the identification of suspicious activities, communication patterns, and potential sources of attacks.
  • Malware Analysis: Python can assist in the analysis of malicious software by providing libraries to dissect and understand the behavior of malware. Investigators can write scripts to analyze malware samples, identify code patterns, and extract indicators of compromise.
  • Data Visualization:  Python’s data visualization libraries, such as Matplotlib and Seaborn, allow investigators to create informative charts, graphs, and plots to visualize patterns and trends in the data. This aids in the presentation of findings and the communication of complex information.

Overall,  Python’s versatility, simplicity, and extensive libraries make it a valuable tool for digital forensics investigations. Whether it’s automating repetitive tasks, analyzing large datasets, or performing complex operations, Python empowers investigators to efficiently uncover insights and evidence from digital sources.

Installing Python

Python is a versatile programming language for computer forensics, and installing it on your system is a straightforward process. The installation steps vary depending on the platform you are using – Unix, Linux, Windows, or Mac. Let’s explore how to install  Python on different platforms:

Unix and Linux:

  • Download the source code of Python from the official website (https://www.
  • Extract the downloaded source code to a directory.
  • Navigate to the extracted directory in the terminal.
  • Run the configuration command: ./configure.
  • Compile and install  Python using the following commands: make and make install.


  • Download the Windows installer file (.exe) for Python from the official website (https://www.
  • Double-click the installer file and follow the on-screen instructions.
  • Choose the “Add Python to PATH” option during the installation process.
  • Click “Install Now” to complete the installation.


  • Install Homebrew, a popular package manager for Mac, if you haven’t already.
  • Open a terminal and run the following command to install  Python: brew install  python.
  • Verify the installation by running python –version in the terminal.

Once Python is successfully installed, you can proceed to the next steps of setting the PATH and running  Python code.

Setting the PATH

After installing Python on your system, the next step is to set the PATH environment variable. This is necessary to ensure that the Python interpreter and libraries can be accessed from anywhere on your system. The process for setting the PATH differs depending on whether you are using Unix, Linux, or Windows.


In Unix, you can set the PATH by modifying the .bashrc file in your home directory. Open the file using a text editor and add the following line at the end:

export PATH=”/usr/local/bin:$PATH”

Save the file and then run the following command to apply the changes:

source ~/.bashrc


In Linux, the process is similar to Unix. Open the .bashrc file in your home directory using a text editor and add the following line at the end:

export PATH=”/usr/local/bin:$PATH”

Save the file and then run the following command to apply the changes:

source ~/.bashrc


In Windows, you can set the PATH through the command prompt. Open the command prompt and execute the following command:

setx PATH “%PATH%;C:\ Python\Scripts”

Replace C:\ Python\Scripts with the actual path where Python is installed on your system. Restart the command prompt for the changes to take effect.

Running Python

Once you have installed Python and set the PATH environment variable, you are ready to start running Python code.

There are several ways to execute  Python code, depending on your needs and preferences.

1. Interactive Interpreter:

One of the most convenient ways to run  Python code is by using the interactive interpreter. This allows you to test and debug your code immediately, making it ideal for experimenting with small snippets or exploring the functionality of various  Python modules.

2. Command-Line Scripts:

 Python scripts can be executed from the command line by invoking the Python interpreter followed by the name of the script file. This approach is useful for running larger, more complex programs or automating tasks. You can pass command-line arguments to the script, enabling you to customize its behavior.

3. Integrated Development Environments (IDEs):

If you prefer a more user-friendly and feature-rich environment, you can use an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to run your  Python code.

IDEs provide a graphical interface that allows you to write, debug, and execute your code in a single application.

They often come with handy features like code completion, syntax highlighting, and debugging tools to streamline your development process.

Whether you choose to use the interactive interpreter, execute command-line scripts, or work with an IDErunning  Python code is a straightforward process. Experiment with different approaches and find the one that suits your workflow best.


In summary,  Python programming is an essential tool for computer forensics.

With its comprehensive modules and strong community support,  Python enables investigators to conduct efficient and effective digital investigations.

By utilizing Python, you can capture memory dumps, analyze logs, and analyze raw network packets, among other techniques.

Python’s simplicity and readability make it easier to understand and analyze code in a forensic context.

Also, Python eliminates the need for third-party software, allowing you to perform a complete investigation using a single tool.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced investigator,  Python provides a versatile platform for conducting comprehensive digital forensic investigations.

By leveraging Python’s capabilities, you can enhance your ability to analyze digital evidence and streamline your investigations.  Python programming is a valuable asset for anyone involved in computer forensics, allowing you to uncover the truth and provide crucial evidence in digital investigations.

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